Monday, November 12, 2007

Blogging gets you noticed.

Kyleen gets mentioned in Kristen Fyfe's blog.

"Another voice AP could have quoted is Kyleen Wright, President of Texans for Life Coalition, who commented online about the article, "Liberals and ‘sexperts’ are trying to rewrite history with their junk science in order to affect the funding debate underway in Congress." She added, "The fact remains that during the 1980s, teen pregnancy and birth rates, abortion and STD rates were through the roof, having doubled by the end of the decade. This was when the condom/contraception groups reigned supreme, entering the schools in record numbers while exploiting AIDS fears.… When the devastating numbers were released in the early 1990s, many parents, community activists and organizations began offering abstinence education. As a result, the numbers began to decline immediately, and have declined every year since. We have seen 60-year lows this decade, something the contraception crowd was never able to accomplish."

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