Sunday, January 6, 2008

Save the Date! - January 19th Rally and March

Pro-Life Rally and March

Our annual RALLY and MARCH remembering the
anniversary (not to be celebrated) of the Roe-vs-Wade decision.

The city of Dallas is an important player in this historic and tragic event which legalized the killing of almost 50 million unborn babies in America. The landmark US Supreme Court case of January 22, 1973 began in the Federal Court building in Downtown Dallas.

[Click each picture to enlarge]

JOIN US as we gather forces, proclaim our dissent and march to the Federal Courts Building in Downtown Dallas on January 19th, 2008.
January 19th, 2008
12 noon
Rally & March For Life
[Click each picture to enlarge]

Cathedral Plaza, 2215 Ross Ave. at Pearl St., Dallas.

Parking - Cathedral/ Meyerson parking garage behind church (free)

30-minute rally at the Cathedral Plaza, then a march from the Cathedral Plaza to the Earle Cabell Federal Courthouse, where the Roe v. Wade case was first filed in 1970.

The very rainy January 20th, 2007 March - Dallas, Texas

ALL pro-life people are INVITED!
Come ONE ,come ALL!
Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, pro-life groups and
all church and school organizations are encouraged
to participate in this powerful prayer and public witness event.
Bring your troop flag or club banner for the March for Life!
[Click each picture to enlarge]
(Co-sponsored by
Texans for Life Coalition, the Catholic Pro-Life Committee
from the Diocese of Dallas, Catholics Respect Life from the
Diocese of Fort Worth, and other pro-life/pro-family groups.)


Yes, they call us anti-abortion but we call ourselves "Pro-Life".

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